29 okt. 2008

Nytt test - New test

Om du är intresserad av presidentvalet och undrar hur du tänker jämfört med presidentkandidtarena gör detta testet.

Själv hamnade jag längst upp till vänster i koordinatsystemet totalt i alla frågor och längre ner jämförs jag med alla kandidater.

If you're interested in the presidential elections try this test to compare your own view compared to the candidates.

I ended up in the upper left corner and further down you can see my comparisings between me and all the candidates.

Your position in comparison with the candidates.You have responded to 36 propositions. Based on the responses you provided, you are the closest toBarack Obama and you are the furthest away from Fred Thompson

Barack ObamaYou are 22% more economic left You are 15% more progressive You have a substantive agreement of 82%

John Edwards (withdrawn)You are 17% more economic left You are 26% more progressive You have a substantive agreement of 76%

Hillary Clinton (withdrawn)You are 13% more economic left You are 31% more progressive You have a substantive agreement of 73%

Bill Richardson (withdrawn)You are 16% more economic left You are 32% more progressive You have a substantive agreement of 71%

Ron Paul (withdrawn)You are 66% more economic left You are 48% more progressive You have a substantive agreement of 42%

Rudy Giuliani (withdrawn)You are 70% more economic left You are 66% more progressive You have a substantive agreement of 28%

John McCainYou are 63% more economic left You are 80% more progressive You have a substantive agreement of 28%

Mitt Romney (withdrawn)You are 72% more economic left You are 80% more progressive You have a substantive agreement of 24%

Mike Huckabee (withdrawn)You are 67% more economic left You are 86% more progressive You have a substantive agreement of 21%

Fred Thompson (withdrawn)You are 70% more economic left You are 95% more progressive You have a substantive agreement of 15

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